
This is Alén Space's blog for small satellites and space content. If you want to put your business idea in space and you are interested in the functionalities and potentials of nanosatellites and microsatellites, this is your place. 

Small Satellites: What Tech Do You Need for Space IoT Services?

If you intend to enter the New Space age to offer space IoT services with the help of small satellites, the last thing you want to read is probably an explanation of what IoT (Internet of Things) is, what M2M (Machine to Machine) communications are, or how many millions of connected devices there will be worldwide in 2030.

Q&A: 15 Critical Questions before Hiring a Nanosatellite Provider

When we need a computer or a car, we all know more or less what questions we should ask. It is not the same with small satellites. Although CubeSats have opened up space to startups and companies of different sizes, they are still far from being an everyday investment.